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For company tickets, please contact Cornelia Denk
Industry as well as academia have made great advances working towards an overall vision of fully autonomous driving. Despite the success stories, great challenges still lie ahead of us to make this grand vision come true. On the one hand, future systems have to be yet more capable to perceive, reason and act in complex real world scenarios. On the other hand, these future systems have to comply with our expectations for robustness, security and safety. ACM, as the world’s largest computing society, addresses these challenges with the ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium. This conference provides a platform for industry and academia to exchange ideas and meet these future challenges jointly. The focus of the 2019 conference lies on AI & Security for Autonomous Vehicles. Contributions centered on these topics are invited.
Submission of contributions are invited in (but not limited to) the follow key areas:
- Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Systems: Sensing, perception & interaction are key challenges — inside and outside the vehicle. Despite the great progress, complex real-world data still poses great challenges towards reliable recognition and analysis in a large range of operation conditions. Latest Machine Learning and in particular Deep Learning techniques have resulted in high performance approaches that have shown impressive results on real-world data. Yet these techniques lack core requirements like interpretability.
- Automotive Security for Autonomous driving: Autonomous cars will increase the attack surface of a car as they not only make decisions based on sensor information but also use information transmitted by other cars and infrastructure. Connected autonomous cars, together with the infrastructure and the backend systems of the OEM, constitute an extremely complex system, a so- called Automotive Cyber System. Ensuring the security of this system poses challenges for automotive software development, secure Car-to-x communication, security testing, as well as system and security engineering. Moreover, security of sensed information becomes another important aspect in a machine learning environment. Privacy enhancing technologies are another issue in automotive security, enforced by legislation, e.g., the EU General Data Protection Regulation. For widespread deployment in real-world conditions, guarantees on robustness and resilience to malicious attacks are key issues.
- Evaluation & Testing: In order to deploy systems for autonomous and/or assisted driving in the real-world, testing and evaluation is key. Giving realistic and sound estimates – even in rare corner cases – is challenging. A combination of analytic as well as empirical methods is required.
Important dates & logistics:
- Full paper submission deadline: June 7th 2019
- Extended abstract submission deadline: September 6th 2019
- Notification of acceptance (full papers): July 17th 2019
- Notification of acceptance (extended abstracts): September 11th 2019
- Camera ready full papers due: August 18th 2019
- Symposium: October 8th 2019
- Location:German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Organizers: German Chapter of the ACM
Registration is now open here.
8:45am Opening
9:00am Keynote: Jörn Eichler (FU Berlin and Volkswagen AG)
10:00am Break
10:30am Full Paper Session: AI, Evaluation, Testing
- Robust Semantic Video Segmentation through Confidence-based Feature Map Warping
Timo Saemann (Valeo); Karl Amende (Valeo); Stefan Milz (Valeo); Horst-Michael Groß (Ilmenau University of Technology, Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab)
(pdf) - RobustTP: End-to-End Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Road-Agents in Dense Traffic with Noisy Sensor Inputs
Rohan Chandra (University of Maryland); Uttaran Bhattacharya (University of Maryland, College Park); Christian L. Roncal (University of Maryland); Aniket Bera (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Dinesh Manocha (University of Maryland, College Park)
(pdf) - Limitations of HIL Test Architectures for Car2X Communication Devices and Applications
Christina Obermaier (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt); Raphael Riebl (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt); Christian Facchi (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt); Ali Al-Bayatti (De Montfort University); Sarmadullah Khan (De Montfort University)
11:30am Lunch
12:30am Keynote: Bernt Schiele (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
1:30pm Extended Abstract Session: Spotlights
- Toward Preserving User Privacy in Collected Visual Data of Autonomous Cars
Arghavan Hosseinzadeh (Fraunhofer IESE); Masoud Naderpour (Fraunhofer IESE)
(pdf) - Big Automotive Data Preprocessing: A Three Stages Approach
Amal Tawakuli (University of Luxembourg ); Daniel Kaiser (University of Luxembourg); Thomas Engel (University of Luxembourg)
(pdf) - Strategies for Safety Goal Decomposition for Neural Networks
Gesina Schwalbe (Continental Automotive GmbH); Martin Schels (Continental Automotive GmbH)
(pdf) - SDC - Stacked Dilated Convolutions
René Schuster (DFKI); Oliver Wasenmüller (DFKI); Christian Unger (BMW); Didier Stricker (DFKI)
(pdf) - Scene Coordinate Regression with Point Clouds for RGB Camera Relocalization
Dehui Lin (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI))
(pdf) - Bayesian Prediction of Future Street Scenes using Synthetic Likelihoods
Apratim Bhattacharyya (Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Mario Fritz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security); Bernt Schiele (MPI Informatics)
(pdf) - Model-based Security and Safety Assurance for Automotive Safety Systems
Sanjana K Biank (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt); Hans-Joachim Hof (Technical University of Ingolstadt); Werner Huber (Technische Hochsche Ingolstadt); Matthias Meyer (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt); Thomas Hempen (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt)
(pdf) - Interpretability Beyond Classification Output: Semantic Bottleneck Networks
Max M Losch (Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Mario Fritz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security); Bernt Schiele (MPI Informatics)
(pdf) - Security Test Platform for Autonomous Driving
Daniel Zelle (Fraunhofer SIT); Roland Rieke (Fraunhofer SIT); Christoph Krauss (Fraunhofer SIT
(pdf) - An Overview of the SVIRO Dataset and Benchmark
Steve Dias Da Cruz (IEE S.A.); Oliver Wasenmüller (DFKI); Hans-Peter Beise (Trier University of Applied Sciences); Thomas Stifter (IEE S.A.); Didier Stricker (DFKI))
(pdf) - Automized Scene Layout Generation
Alexander Hanel (BIT Technology Solutions GmbH); Karl Leiss (BIT-TS)
(pdf) - Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Improve Image Segmentation Quality Both in the Source and Target Domain
Jan-Aike Bolte (Technische Universität Braunschweig); Markus Kamp (Technische Universität Braunschweig); Antonia Breuer (Volkswagen Group Research); Silviu Homoceanu (Volkswagen Group Research); Peter Schlicht (Volkswagen Group Research); Fabian Hüger (Volkswagen Group Research); Daniel Lipinski (Volkswagen Group Research); Tim Fingscheidt ( Technische Universität Braunschweig
(pdf) - Online Map Validation for Autonomous Driving
Andrea Fabris (BMW AG); Felix Drost (BMW AG); Luca Parolini (BMW AG); Qing Rao (BMW AG); Andreas Rauch (BMW AG); Sebastian Schneider (BMW AG); Sebastian Wagner (Technical University of Munich); Alois Knoll (Technical University of Munich)
(pdf) - An Adaptive Transport Management Approach using Imitation Learning
Mark Bugeja (University of Malta); Alexiei Dingli (University of Malta); Maria Attard (University of Malta); Dylan Seychell (University of Malta)
(pdf) - Advantages of Physically Based Rendering for Autonomous Driving Validation
Johannes Günther (Intel Deutschland GmbH); Oliver Grau (Intel Visual Computing Institute); Isha Sharma (Intel); Björn Brücher (Intel Deutschland GmbH))
(pdf) - Towards Corner Cases Identification in Cyclist Trajectories
Florian Heidecker (University of Kassel); Maarten Bieshaar (University of Kassel); Bernhard Sick (University of Kassel)
2:30pm Break & Poster Session (Full Papers & Extended Abstracts)
3:45pm Full Paper Session: Security
- AVES - Automated Vehicle Safety and Security Analysis Framework
Giedre Sabaliauskaite (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Lin Shen Liew (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Fengjun Zhou (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
(pdf) - Attribute-Based Credentials in High-Density Platooning
Christian Zimmermann (Robert Bosch GmbH); Markus Sontowski (TU Dresden); Stefan Köpsell (TU Dresden)
(pdf) - On Threat Analysis and Risk Estimation of Automotive Ransomware
Nils H. Weiss (University of Applied Sciences Regensburg); Markus Schroetter (University of Applied Sciences Regensburg); Rudolf Hackenberg (University of Applied Sciences Regensburg)
(pdf) - Context-aware Anomaly Detector for Monitoring Cyber Attacks on Automotive CAN Bus
R Harsha K. Kalutarage (Robert Gordon University); Omar Al-Kadri (Robert Gordon University); Madeline Cheah (HORIBA-MIRA); Garikayi Madzudzo (HORIBA-MIRA)
4:45pm Keynote: Oliver Wasenmüller (DKFI)
5:15pm Panel Discussion
6:00pm Closing & Get Together
General Chair
Program Chairs
Organizing Committee
Confirmed Program Committee
Full Papers:
- Submission: We are inviting industrial and academic participation in the event. We are looking for high-quality, original contributions to our peer reviewed “Full Paper” track with oral and poster presentations. The research papers must be formatted according to the acm-sigconf-authordraft template, which can be obtained from http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.htmlproceedings-template.html. Page limit is 8 pages with an additional 9th page only containing references. Accepted papers will be published as a conference publication in the ACM Digital Library. Contributions have to be submitted in the “Full Paper” track by the deadline specified below at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CSCS2019
- Review Process: The review process is double blind, that is, authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers do not know the authors’ names. Avoid providing information in the submission that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments where possible (e.g., company, co-workers and grant IDs). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors.
Extended Abstract:
- Submission: We are inviting
submissions for the “Extended abstracts” tracks with poster
presentation — with online publication (this does not count as
references publication) — in the following 5 categories: demo, exhibitions, discussion papers, PhD position paper, and significant, already published work. The extended abstracts must be formatted according to the acm-sigconf-authordraft template which can be obtained from http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.html Page
limit is 2 pages with an additional 3rd page only containing
references. Contributions have to be submitted in the “Extended
Abstract” track by the deadline specified below at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CSCS2019
Submissions for “significant, already published work” are also acceptable in their original form (not subject to formatting or page constraints). - Review Process: The review process is light-weight and single blind, that is, the authors, do not know the reviewers’ names, but the submission does not have to be anonymized
We are thankful to our generous supporters
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